Privacy Policy
Protecting your privacy is paramount to us.
At Physician and Practice Job Board and Physician and Practice Database, our business is built upon the trust our clients place in us to safely and discreetly handle their confidential information. For that reason, protecting the privacy of all of our clients, candidates, subscribers and job posters is absolutely essential to our success. By using our site, you are consenting to the provisions of our Privacy Policy as defined below. Please review them carefully and email with any questions or concerns you may have.
We will not sell/rent/disclose or share information with anyone else except as required by U.S. laws/regulations.
In general, we will never sell, rent, disclose or share any of your information, including your email address, with anyone other than our owners, associated companies, employees, and affiliated contractors without your express written permission, except as mandated by U.S. federal, state or local laws or regulations. Access to your information is strictly limited within our company to those who need access to provide our services to you.
Candidate/Recruiter/Facility information is strictly confidential except as disclosed by you.
All Candidate, Recruiter and Facility information is held in the strictest confidentiality, and is shared only as you permit when you set up your profile and apply to jobs, or agree to release job information to prospective candidates. When you release information to a facility, recruiter or candidate, you are authorizing them to contact you using the contact information you have disclosed.
Emails are sent only for service-related purposes, unless you decide to subscribe to more information.
Other than routine account updates and notification of upgrades or service issues, emails are sent only to those who explicitly request we keep them informed of new product developments, enhancements and special offers. Your email communication preferences can always be updated, or you can opt out of any non-service-related communications altogether whenever you wish.
Site Usage Data is collected, but only in aggregate form and is not individually identifiable.
Site Usage data is collected automatically from visitors to our website, and includes your individual IP address, the pages you visit on our site, and the domain from whence you came when visiting our site if you clicked a link elsewhere to get to us. This information is used to make our site user-friendly, informative and helpful. By being browser-friendly, we know how our users connect to us when referred by another site. This information is reported to us only in aggregate form, without identifying individual users.
Cookies are used to customize your user experience with our site, but can be deleted at any time.
Cookies may be saved to your hard drive to customize your user experience with our site. We do not receive any individually-identifiable information from cookies- they are only used to enable our site to remember your login and password information, to notify you of job postings or candidates that are new to you, or to perform other kinds of tailoring to your preferences and past usage of our site. You can always remove cookies from your computer to further protect your privacy.
We are not responsible for the privacy policies of unrelated third-party sites that may have links to their sites on ours.
If there are links on our site that direct you to another, unrelated third-party website, we are not responsible for their privacy policies, so please review their policies before visiting them to ensure your privacy.